Due to the COVID19 outbreak, we are experiencing heavier than ever demand for certain products.
Backorders Allowed
We are allowing backorders on most products to ensure that customers who order earliest are the first to receive their products, and to discourage bulk ordering when a product first comes back into stock.
Products that are particularly impacted are bread mixes and flours. Some are available, and some are coming through with a delay.
Order Fulfillment
For orders with backordered products, the entire order will usually be held until it can be shipped. In most cases, backorders will be filled within an extra few days.
Where backordered products are expected to take more than a week, we will be emailing each customer to confirm if they are happy to wait for the delivery, or if we should cancel and refund the unavailable product. Due to the volume of orders and backorders, we will not be able to send part orders and send the remainder later. The option will be to wait for the full delivery or cancel the products holding up despatch.
With the current volume, it is possible that we will miss contacting for some orders, or expect a product to be in within the week, and have that drag on. Please contact us if you are missing your order or have any questions at all at support@gofood.nz or 0800 565543 during business hours.
Ongoing Supply
Generally speaking, most of our products are sourced from local suppliers and manufacturers - we do not expect any major outages for extended periods - we are increasing our stock holdings where possible to reduce the impact of disturbances. Some products are imported from Australia which also has supply and demand issues. Generally this would result in 2-3 week delays, however it is possible that some items may be unavailable for shipping.
If you have any questions - please leave a comment. If you question relates to your own order - please open a request by emailing support@gofood.nz
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